
What Does Science Have to Say about Diet and Migraine?

What Does Science Have to Say about Diet and Migraine?

Migraine is a debilitating and complex neurological disorder thought to affect 10% of people worldwide. While it’s not entirely clear exactly how or why migraine occurs, research has shown that migraine develops in response to certain triggers, one of those being...

A Beginner’s Guide to Health Research

A Beginner’s Guide to Health Research

In many countries around the world, a disparity exists between both teacher and teaching quality, with schools leaving many students ill-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for successfully navigating life. Often we hear “do your research”, with the...

Is There A Silver Lining to Migraines?

Is There A Silver Lining to Migraines?

Catapulted into the depths of unconscionable pain, the unlucky souls who find themselves afflicted with migraine may ask themselves, “why me?”. It turns out that because genetic factors are a determinant for migraine susceptibility, and genetics are in turn subject to...

Migraines: What Exactly Are They?

Migraines: What Exactly Are They?

As someone who has suffered chronic migraine throughout the majority of her life, my focus has generally been on identifying triggers as well as seeking effective treatment to combat the debilitating pain. Now that my migraine frequency has reduced somewhat, it’s...

Could Salicylates be Responsible for your Migraine?

Could Salicylates be Responsible for your Migraine?

I thought I was doing everything right diet-wise. I made sure to eat my “five-a-day”, adopted a longevity-bound Mediterranean style of eating (heavy in tomatoes, olive oil, spices and nuts), went wild with herby condiments and drank copious cups of soul-soothing tea...

Does Hormonal Contraception Affect the Gut?

Does Hormonal Contraception Affect the Gut?

The advent of hormonal contraception was a game-changer to countless people all around the world. It expanded opportunities in many areas including education, economics, sexuality and health. Hormonal contraception whilst undoubtedly liberating, doesn’t come without...

Dietary Triggers and Migraines

Dietary Triggers and Migraines

For many migraineurs, the phrase “you are what you eat” rings true when it comes to the onset of the dreaded head throb. It’s generally accepted that migraines can be triggered by dietary ingredients most of which are found in everyday foods. However not all dietary...

Does a Relationship Exist Between Migraines and FODMAPs?

Does a Relationship Exist Between Migraines and FODMAPs?

Unfortunately for many people, migraine (a neurological condition causing head pain) and IBS (a gastrointestinal disorder affecting the functioning of the bowel) go hand in hand. Fortunately, research has shown that a diet low in short-chain carbohydrates collectively...

Does The Microbiome of Migraineurs Differ From Non-Migraineurs?

Does The Microbiome of Migraineurs Differ From Non-Migraineurs?

In the midst of an attack, migraine sufferers may find themselves asking: why them? What about their bodies makes them more susceptible to this painful condition than others? According to research, the microbiome may be a point of distinction, an insight which could...