Is Coffee High In Salicylates?

by | Sep 7, 2022

A question on the lips of many people newly diagnosed with salicylate sensitivity is “can I still have my morning coffee?”.

As much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, coffee (both instant and ground) is indeed high in salicylates.

Because people vary in their degree of sensitivity to food chemicals, it really does depend on the individual as to whether they will have to cut out their morning coffee completely. Some people for example, may be able to tolerate 1 cup a day, or 1 cup every 3-4 days before their “chemical bucket” overflows and symptoms ensue. For others, even half a cup can be enough to elicit a reaction.

It will be up to you to work with your dietitian to pinpoint where your salicylate threshold lies and whether you can incorporate coffee into your diet long-term.

For those that find that they have to forgo their daily cuppa there are a number of alternatives you can choose from.

Decaffeinated coffee is low salicylate, so while you won’t be getting that “pick me up” you get from your regular coffee, you’ll still be able to enjoy that coffee taste.

Other options include a hot carob, hot chocolate, milkybar hot choc, milo, smoothie, and for those that like a little kick, a hot toddy.

I’ve also recently discovered the brand Crio Bru which produces a delicious coffee alternative in the form of roasted cocoa beans. It’s honestly so, so good, and the aroma is divine, leaving you with that cozy hug-in-a-mug feel that you would usually get from your morning coffee. And while you’re not getting the caffeine hit you would usually get from a regular coffee, you’ll be pleased to know that the cocoa beans contain a natural stimulant called theobromine which is gentle, long-lasting, and non-addictive. I’ll drink to that! 

For many people, coffee is more than just a drink, it’s a daily ritual. However, if you do suffer from salicylate sensitivity, giving up that little life pleasure may just be the difference between a bad symptom day or a glorious symptom-free day.

Brigid xx

DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 


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