Kitchen Tools
All the utensils, appliances and kitchen tools I use most frequently throughout the week, allowing me to whip up low salicylate recipes in a flash.
Website Design
Everything you need to build a dietitian/nutrition website, ideas of what to include and some examples of great nutrition websites for a little inspiration.
I absolutely love to read. Here is a collection of my favorite health-themed books, focusing on topics such as migraine, food sensitivities and the microbiome.
Salicylate-Free Makeup
Eager to build my own salicylate-free product inventory, I conducted a deep dive into the best salicylate-free makeup products out there. Here are my recommendations.
Salicylate-Free Toiletrees
Unfortunately, many bath products and toiletries contain salicylates. Lucky for us, there are a number of fab salicylate-free products to choose from, the best of which I’ve listed here.
Salicylate-Free Cleaning Products
One of the ways I know I’m going to react to a cleaning product is if it has a strong fragrance. Here is a selection of salicylate-free / fragrance-free cleaning products.
DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.